Moorestown Office

Our location in historic downtown Moorestown is a former residence built in 1875. We have lovingly renovated and improved the building to provide offices for 5 clinicians. This location is ADA accessible and off street parking is available behind the building.

78 E 2nd Street, Moorestown NJ, 08057 | Tel: (856) 499 2013 | Fax: (856) 499 2016

Haddonfield Office

Our newest location in historic downtown Haddonfield is in a former residence built in 1908. This location includes 4 clinician offices, a group therapy room and a play therapy room. Off street parking is available behind the building.

18 Grove Street, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 | Tel: (856) 499 2013 | Fax: (856) 499 2016

Serenity Health Primary Care Office

Conveniently located in Moorestown NJ, this ADA accessible location houses 3 exam rooms and 3 clinical offices.

110 Marter Ave, Suite 301, Moorestown, NJ 08057 | (856) 208-7554

Cinnaminson Office

Located on a quiet cul-de-sac in a residential neighborhood. This location has two clinician offices.

1260 Evergreen Lane, Cinnamison, NJ 08077 | Tel: (856) 499 2013 | Fax: (856) 499 2016